Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 18, "the making of......"

well, the weekend's over, time to get busy again. hopefully not everything that happens this coming week will be bad! i was a little surprised by some information regarding some of the publishing on a few of my songs this past week. i'll more specific later, and most likely somewhere else, like on twitter, since this is really the place to keep track of my progress with the recording of my new songs.
so, as i said, yesterday, the new site will be ready very soon. this is quite important as we'll be using it as proactively as possible as a promotional and marketing tool. once it's ready, sometime this week, i will divulge all the details, a few surprises too.
just fyi, the site that's up now, will still be up, for a little while anyway. i have to say, I was so fortunate to have this wonderful person in germany volunteer to create that site for me as a favor! he has been truly wonderful and i so appreciate all his hard work, posting everything up there for me when i needed it done, it was so kind and he didn't want anything in return. wow. there are good people out there; i'm lucky to have some of them in my life. now, we're in the process of creating this new site that I can alter, add to, modify, whenever i feel the need. v.important for what i'm about to do.

so, i must get to bed to prepare for the onslaught of the next few days. gonna be crazy...

love always;

marcy x

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