Friday, October 30, 2009

days 93-96 "the making of....."

well, this week was not what i completely expected it would be. for one, i didn't make it to the club on monday, too tired. also, didn't meet with jp, but that was cool. he actually sent me mixes of all the tracks with percussion on them, they are all sounding really good. now, he's going off to new orleans to see jon cleary, amazing guitarist/keyboard player who played on my songs. he's back on tuesday next week. we will convene then and figure out what needs doing.

on wednesday, i went to sit in with some friends, jimmy vivino on guitar [conan o'brien, tonite show], rick reed on bass, barry goldberg on keys and also scott healey, also from the conan show band. i had big fun sitting in with them, doing my clapton co-writes. jimmy is so sweet to have gotten them all to learn my tunes. he is a great musician; he works every day taping the tonight show and still wants to play a little gig at a small club, just for the love of it. i do believe he is the hardest working man in show business and i could even venture to say he probably loves music and performing more than me-that's A LOT!! he is one of the finest guitarists i've ever played with-I've played with some pretty good ones too!- and it's always a pleasure and honor to work with him.
so, had communication from someone today with more release options. still, "nothin's final till it's vinyl" as they used to say in the old days, meaning, until it's a "record" you can't count on it happening.

and that my friends is the end of this week nearly. if there's anything new to report, i'll put it out there, if not, i'll wait till monday. oh, one other thing, albeit vague; had a cool idea tonight for some kind of interactive thing with my fans on my site. early days but i will talk about it with more specificity very soon.

ah, bed,,mmmmm...zzzzzzzzz



marcy xoxoxoxoxox

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