Welllll, dare I say, I'm about to start a new series of blogs about my upcoming recordings. I suppose I'm afraid of saying anything in case it doesn't come to fruition, [this is known as jewish "superstition" and that's an "oy and a vay"] but as my husby pointed out, it's all part of the story, all of it, the good bad and the ugly. And so it is.
It really hadn't sunken in till today while we were in the midst of having to replace our 36 year old air conditioning and heating unit, ouch!! but luckily for us, we have a very good friend in that industry who quickly came to our aid to help. we are very fortunate.
now, you may ask, so, what didn't sink in? Well, the fact that plans have been made for the start of new recordings for me. At the end of 2009 I signed with a very good publisher that specializes in tv and film licensing; in other words, for those of you who are not familiar with what that means, they are experts at getting music into films and television for shows or advertising. When I signed with them I told them, "I'm an artist and during my term with you, I may want to do a record or two". They immediately said, "we are not a label". understood. However, last year, they funded one song for me and now they want to do a block of 5 songs to be produced by a very well known producer named Larry Klein. Larry was married to Joni Mitchell and actually produced several of her records from the mid 1980's through to the early 2000's. [a quick stop to make a cup o tea to warm up my hands and body; it's cold in here! i know, southern cali, boo hoo, but it's quite cool today. we won't have heat till thursday.] So, Larry is at the helm. He's reviewing my songs again now whilst he's in New York for the week. When he returns, we'll discuss which songs we want to do. I love all of my songs, some more than others and I already have an idea of what needs to be done.Today, I got confirmation that the studio is booked and sessions set up for next Monday and Tuesday at a very cool studio in LA that I've worked at many times before back in the Clapton days. I am very excited about this. Larry has some great musicians lined up which I'll talk about soon. Of course, I'll be playing my geetar along as well. We're going to put down 2 tracks on Monday and 3 on Tuesday. After that, we'll start working on adding vocals and whatever else needs to go on the songs. Those, my friends, are called "overdubs". Fun.
We're going to film the whole process and the plan is to have a little "rockumentary" at the end of it that will be part of the release with possible interviews from some of my coworkers from the past. As I said, at this point Larry is going to do 5 songs; I have a really talented producer in New York that will do an additional 5 songs to make it a complete album.
I'm also in the middle of writing my autobiography. OOOO, it's hard to know what to put in there; I mean, do I really want to give myself completely away??? I'm up to 22 chapters now and that takes me up to around 1994. Got a lot more writing to do!
Today, I've been in my studio finishing up some songs that could also possibly be included on the album. BUT, I already have lots of songs for it; these new ones could be B sides or part of another or additional release. We are going to give the world my MUSIC, very soon, and LOTS of it. It's time.
Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think...
Lots of love;
Marcy xo
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Way to go.. Have fun.. And keep us uptodate on where and when we can find those tracks..
Who else will be involved..??
Hey Marcy, Things are happening for you. I know Larry Klein from the neighbor hood and he is a great guy to work with. Can't wait to hear you singing in the movies.
best wishes, Stanley....
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