Saturday, November 28, 2009

Days 115-124 "the making of......"

oops, forgot about me blog!! sorry, whoever is reading them. things got a little crazy with the lead up to the holiday.
so, the last time I blogged, it was to say I had prepared the files for jp of my bv's and took them to his house which was good fun. he loaded everything in and it was sounding great. we ended up putting string parts on 2 of the songs which were sounding v.good as well.
the next night, wednesday the 19th, i joined jp and some friends that i haven't seen in quite some time, for dinner, good fun. i did'n't make it to cozy's to sing cuz it was too late. but i went this past wednesday and helped them end their 8 month residency. that was FUN! jimmy played his butt off on every instrument he could: guitar, b3, drums. you name it. I got up and sang a few songs with them and really let loose at the end which was very freeing for me, a good positive experience.
now, this past week, on tuesday, I had the most fantastic meeting with my new publishers, "music sales corporation". I finished a new christmas song and brought it into the meeting. they all really loved the song which was great and even gave me props for the mix which is unusual for me to receive; my hubby helped me with it. he's a better engineer than I am, but we are both growing as far as that's concerned, learning new things about it all the time. btw, that song will be up for purchase online very soon. I'll let you know when I've got it up on a site to be downloaded. it will be sometime this coming week. i'll also post that info on my site and facebook. one of the guys at the company was really chomping at the bit to get my christmas song licensed this year, but as it's already upon us, it may be too late. but next year is good. one guy at the company is someone I used to work with back when I first moved to L.A. doing lots of recording sessions, many years ago. he's incredibly talented at writing, producing, and is just one of the coolest people you'd ever want to meet.
well, may have some more news very soon too. we'll see.
meanwhile, the countdown to hanukah and christmas begins: you better be good!!

love always;

marcy xoxox

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