Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 3, The Making Of....

Right, so it's saturday night, kinda late, i'm a little tired, but i said i would do this every day so here it goes.
today, i had a mini brain storm meeting with number one man. we're thinking of great ways to proceed with the making of my record: marketing ideas, exclusive perks for those interested in helping out. there's a lot to think about. I figure, everyone else is doing this, why can't i?! believe me I could think of a thousand excuses not to do this!! the minute I realized, wow, this could happen, the fear started to set in. as in, what if this, what if that, the usual self doubt and all that nonsense that goes on in my head. but this time, i'm gonna "feel the fear and do it anyway".
i've been getting some great responses and support from people reading these blogs and I thank you for the encouragement. as i mentioned last night, the rhythm section has responded positively and they are available the beginning of september. as it's sunday tomorrow, i will wait till monday morning to contact john porter about them and about locking in some studio time.

off to zzzzz-land very soon. doing about 40 minutes of P90x and 30 laps in the pool, made me pretty tired today which is a good thing.

more tomorrow.

marcy x

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