Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 15, "the making of....."

Well, it's been a long week and it's Thursday night. I had some very good news today. A fantastic keyboard player has agreed to be part of my recording. I saw him play a few years ago with Gadson at a club here in L.A, and I never knew how great he really was until this particular night. He's more well known for a different kind of music, I never knew he was so soulful. So, I'm very excited about this. Unfortunately, the guitarist I was hoping to get is not available. But we will find the right person.
John Porter told me of that news earlier today. We also talked about which 4 songs I should do and wanted to do. We seem to be on the same page with 3 or them, we are just working on deciding about the last one. We'll get there. I've got so many songs that I really love and believe in and that I'm so close to and that makes it hard to make a decision. I'd love to do them all, make a triple album! but.....that ain't gonna happen this time......
I had news from a publisher I had a meeting with last week that they aren't interested in my catalogue, but I've got two others that are. And, the ones that are, are very enthusiastic and respect what I've done, whether I've done it in the US, or, the UK. I need positive people around me and those are the ones who are coming into my life and wanting to be there. So, it's all good and I'm thankful for it.

And that's that. Gonna have an early night. I'm doing a guest vocal spot for my friend Janet Robin tomorrow night in LA at the hotel cafe. She starts at 9pm and asked me to sing a song with her, so that will be fun.
Ah, almost forgot; we are still working on the new site, we put more information up on it this evening. I really like it, lots of new things my other site didn't have like a FAQ's page. Also a page where you can do social networking, i.e., links to youtube, this page, flicker for photos, facebook. We'll have some other cool stuff up there too. it will be simple, modern and easy to use. Not sure when it will be complete, but it will be very soon.

Eyes at quarter mast..

Love Always;

Marcy x

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