Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 9 "the making of...."

Ok, so I said I should be doing this blogging earlier but i guess there's something I just need to accept about myself: I am a night owl. ok, so now i understand and i will no longer chastise myself for being what i am. well, i'll try anyway.
so. let's see,what can I impart today? I had a few meetings, one in regard to my publishing which went very well. I like this company I went to see. They seem to be very proactive and seem to be interested in future music, not just back catalogue. in fact, they are helping one of their signings get a record deal which I liked hearing about; hopefully that was gratuitous hype. so, we'll see what they come up with.
the second meeting turned out not to be a "meeting" per se, but more of a dinner. we chatted a little bit about the possible funding of my record but again, it was vague as usual which just makes me think I shall keep on pursuing doing this without a label's help for now. I just can't keep waiting for someone else to pull their finger out, no matter how well-intentioned they might be. I have to do this for my soul and that's that. so, come monday, once I have done some research, I will begin to seriously map out my plan and will be making some announcements shortly after that, sometime next week. if someone happens to come along and wants to be a part of it, fine, that's cool, but for now, and from here on out, the ship will be steered by me.

i'll get on to john again on monday and see how the studio plans are looking and also contact the band again.

i will enjoy the rest of the summer in the process. and this weekend, i shall enjoy doing one of the things i find difficult to do: relaxing!

love always;

marcy x

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