Thursday, August 20, 2009

day 28 "the making of....."

well, here we are day 28, four weeks since i got this bee in my bonnet about doing these recordings. got a little feedback from my post last night, and i thank everyone reading for your input and clever ideas.
meanwhile, still moving forward, got some confirmation today on start times at the studio and got the players all informed of where and when so we're all good. i'm finally feeling like myself again, yahoo! phew, that was a nasty bug, no fun at all. now that my head is a bit clearer i've been doing more practicing and playing. my voice has come back now and i'm happy about that.
more practicing to do, i can feel the effects of it. i'll meet with jp next week to discuss the songs, got to make out some charts for the musicians. we're not going to rehearse before the big day, going to keep it fresh. sometimes when you give people too much time to think, including me, it takes the spontaneity out of things. last year with the one rehearsal, i was so pleased with it. so, i'm sure this will be just as good, if not better.

off to dream land.

love always;

marcy x

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